Thursday, August 16, 2012


Brand-spankin' new town home (well, new to me, they're only like 5 years old). I was able to clean in there before I moved anything in (I'm talking hardcore sterilization here. Not messing around, my place smelled like Mr. Clean's dream for a while there). Now, five days after [nearly] everything is moved in (still waiting on my couch and chair), ANTS!!!

First one I saw was in my bedroom on the light switch. Okay, no big deal. *Smoosh.* Then, a few hours later, I see a trail of ants into my pantry. *Shudder, kill with Raid, wipe up with Blue Dawn.*

That was 2 days ago. Now, 3/4 of a bottle of Raid later, and countless swear words thrown about, I am officially skeeved out. They're in my laundry room, pantry, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and closet. CLOSET! Right, like in the 4 nights I've slept there, I've had a pig-out session in any of the rooms except the kitchen.

Plus, what kind of freak ants don't die with Raid for Ants? Mutant ants. I'm so angry because my pantry is SPIC AND SPAN. Airtight containers, no spills, no crumbs on my counter... my mother is happy to come over to my place, that's how clean it is. So there's nothing for me to clean up to make them go away.

So I called my apartment complex, and they said Terminex doesn't come until Monday, but they'll see "if the maintenance guys have anything." And I'm thinking "good luck matching my arsenal." But of course, I just say "okay, thank you."

If anyone reading this has any suggestions, at this point, I am all ears. I've made a point to clean their paths with cleaners so that the pheromone tracks are erased and unable to be discovered by their little buddies.

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